What if there were 1000 Nana-chans?

This is a story that children will be cheerfully participating in.

9 min readJan 31, 2021

What if there were 1000 Nana-chans?

Please change the name “NANA” to your own child’s name.

Nana-chan made a doll with a magic cloth that her grandmother gave her. For her mother’s birthday. She looks just like Nana-chan, so she named her Nana-chan. (Don’t tell anyone.)

Hiccup. Hiccup. Nana’s mother can’t stop hiccuping. “Oh my God, what should I do?” ( Now, please answer loudly!)



What a surprise, Nana-chan, the doll, answered too.




I live in a snow country. I have a wife with rheumatism and a 10-year-old daughter in Yokohama. If I sell about 1000 copies I can make my daughter laugh